Archive for January, 2016

quit smokingWhether or not vaping can help people quit smoking is somewhat of a controversial issue. The Government and Big Pharma are in it together, throwing shade on the ecigarette industry. Those outside the vaping industry contend that it doesn’t help and can actually be a gateway to smoking, drugs, and other vices. Others say that vaping is only a temporary solution for people trying to quit smoking.

A recent survey proves otherwise – that vaping is a good option to help smokers butt out once and for all. At the end of 2015, the Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association performed a study and found that almost 90% of vapers say they quit smoking for good after they started vaping regularly. Only 5% continue to smoke regularly after taking up vaping.

The study also found:

  • Almost everyone had attempted to quit smoking prior to vaping regularly
  • Only 6% had not previously attempted to quit smoking before using ecigarettes
  • Of the 5% who continue to smoke, 34% smoke less than one per day on average, and only 23% smoke more than 5 cigarettes per day, since starting to vape.

According to Chief Scientific Officer at CASAA Carl V Phillips, “51% of those who had not quit smoking entirely credited e-cigarettes with helping them almost quit smoking and another 44% credited e-cigarettes with helping them smoke a lot less. Only 3% indicated they use e-cigarettes as a partial substitute but still smoke almost as much as they used to, with almost none saying they smoke fully as much as they used to. A few (1%) indicated they both reduced their smoking, but do not credit that to e-cigarettes.”

“It is the best-defined population of any survey of e-cigarette users to date,” he adds.

Based on this study, it is clear that ecigarettes are a viable option for people who want to transition away from traditional tobacco smoking. Considering the ineffectiveness of other methods such as pharmaceuticals and counseling, it is definitely worth a try if you are serious about making the switch once and for all.

Read More Vaping Studies

Studies Support Vaping as an Alternative to Smoking

UK Study Endorses E-Cig Vaping


The post Study Finds Vaping Helps Smokers appeared first on Vapor Jedi Eliquid and Vape Accessories.

Vegetable glycerin plantsComparing PG and VG

The controversy has been around for quite a while. What’s the difference between the two most widely used e-liquid bases — propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG)? Is one better or healthier than the other? Today we’ll take you through ‘e-liquid 101’ and hopefully dispel any confusion you may have about what you’re putting into your lungs now that you’ve dropped that killer tobacco smoke.

There are four ingredients in nicotine e-juice – the base (PG or VG), nicotine, water and flavouring. Non-nicotine e-liquid obviously has only three. The base is what holds the nicotine and flavour and produces the smoke-like vapour cloud. Both PG and VG are organic compounds and are generally considered to be safe for human consumption.

What is propylene glycol?

PG is currently the more popular base. Its consistency is thin and is more easily accessible to the cartomizer. It also has the advantage of not causing a build-up on the heating element of the e-cigarette. It’s tasteless and odourless and it’s a humectant that produces the strong throat hit tobacco smokers are used to. On the downside, it can cause dry mouth and throat irritation.

What is vegetable glycerin?

VG is a thicker solution. It has a slightly sweet taste that may mask some of the e-liquid’s flavouring. Some vapers complain VG leaves them feeling a bit phlegmy and craving the throat hit of PG. VG also produces less vapour, but, on the upside, it causes less allergic reactions than PG. If you experience any unusual symptoms like throat tingling after vaping PG, you may be having an allergic reaction. Stop using it immediately and switch to Vegetable Glycerin.

On a final note –sources claim Propylene Glycol may be a preventive against pneumonia, influenza and other respiratory diseases. It’s been scientifically verified to be antimicrobial and to fight candida albicans, staphylococcus aureus and epidermidis as well as several streptococci and E.coli. Huh … who knew?


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Driving and vapingEcigarettes get a lot of attention in the media about their perceived health risks. However, one thing that has received little attention, until now, is how vaping can potentially impact a person’s ability to drive.

Ejuice Could Impact Your Motor Skills

A new study from Yale University has found that ejuice with a high level of alcohol content can impact your motor skills, including impairing your ability to drive.

“They didn’t actually know they were under the influence of alcohol,” said Dr. Mehmet Sofuoglu, a professor at the Yale School of Medicine who co-authored the study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. “It still influenced their performance.”

In fact, a number of the study participants ingest enough alcohol through their ecigs that it was detected in their urine, even though they didn’t feel the effects of being buzzed.

Even though participants didn’t have enough alcohol in their system to be charged with a DUI if they were to be pulled over by police, it does raise questions about the impact vaping can have on driving.

Study Results

One of the eye opening facts that researchers found was that “of 31 such e-liquids obtained by the Yale researchers for their study, about one-third didn’t have any measurable alcohol in them, a paper on the study noted. Almost 40 percent had 0.75 percent or less alcohol content. And another 23 percent had alcohol levels of 1 to 3 percent,” says Dan Mangan on CNBC. However, there was one eliquid had 23.5 percent alcohol content – as much as many alcoholic beverage.

The second major takeaway from the study was that when people drink alcohol, they are aware of the impact it is having on them. They feel the buzz. But this was not the case when it comes to vaping.

“In this study, they had motor impairment,” said Sofuoglu, “but they didn’t know they were intoxicated.” Therefore, it’s important to be conscious of the type of eliquid you are using.

Key Takeaways from the Study

Whether you are drinking alcohol, smoking weed, or vaping, it is up to you to do so responsibly. Here are some things to keep in mind before vaping:

  • Pay attention to the alcohol content in your ejuice
  • Refrain from driving if you plan to vape elquid with high levels of alcohol content
  • Pay attention to how various ejuice flavours impact your motor skills
  • Avoid vaping and driving – it is a physical and mental distraction

Following these tips will ensure that if you do plan to drive after vaping, you are doing so responsibly.

Running low on ejuice? Check out our huge selection of eliquid flavours.


The post STUDY: Ecigarette Vapor Affects Driving appeared first on Vapor Jedi Eliquid and Vape Accessories.

e-cigarette advertisingWe’ve not been shy of our criticism of America’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the past, and a report released by the CDC has got our ire once again.

A new report released by the CDC suggests that “about 7 in 10 teens are exposed to e-cigarette advertising on TV, in print, online and at retail outlets,” spurring them to communicate their concern about youth exposure to e-cigarette advertising.

On Medical News Today, Dr. Tom Frieden, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), explains, “The same advertising tactics the tobacco industry used years ago to get kids addicted to nicotine are now being used to entice a new generation of young people to use e-cigarettes.”

He adds, “Kids should not be using e-cigarettes and yet 2/3 of kids in this country are seeing e-cigarette ads.”

The problem with the study

There is one problem with the new study – the CDC has failed to find a direct link between e-cigarette advertising and usage.

Dr. Frieden has also called on everyone to agree that children should not use e-cigarettes. We are pretty sure that everyone was already in agreement with children should not use them, nor traditional cigarettes, drink or do drugs. Simply making this statement implies that e-cigarettes are being pushed on children – which they aren’t.

The media is picking up the rhetoric

Other major media outlets are also buying into the rhetoric. This quote from CNBC is a perfect example:

“E-cigarette makers are pouring tens of millions of dollars into advertising their wares—and teenagers are getting the message loud and clear, federal health officials reported Tuesday.”

“As advertising skyrockets, so do the number of teens seeing it…”

Obviously, e-cigarette makers are investing in advertising – the industry is growing, and advertising to their customers (adults!) is a normal business practice. And, yes, teens will see some of these ads – just like they will see ads for virtually every other product in the world – alcohol, tobacco, porn, guns, you name it. It’s impossible for them not to see the ads.

Why can’t the CDC find a link?

Perhaps there isn’t one. But here is how they explain their lack of connection:

“Frieden said the tactics are effective, and include online ‘viral’ marketing that cannot even be measured.” Why can’t it be measured? E-cigarette companies and other online advertisers have no issue measuring their online marketing campaigns.

Like we said before, it’s time for the CDC to stop spinning lies and start telling the truth.

Read more about the CDC by reading, CDC – please tell the truth!


The post CDC Report: Teen Exposure to E-cigarette Advertising appeared first on Vapor Jedi Eliquid and Vape Accessories.

2015 was a big year for us here at Vapor Jedi. It was a great year for us, and an action-packed year for the ecigarette industry in general. There were lots of new products, vaping accessories and ejuice flavours that came to market, a number of studies discussing the pros and cons of ecigarette use, and no shortage of vaping news stories.

Just in case you missed them, or want to catch up on what happened in the vaping industry in 2015, here is a collection of some of our best blog posts from the year:

Ecigarettes & Vaping News

Vapor Advocates of Ontario at Toronto’s Ecigarette Protest Rally

Vaping in Public Legalized in Ontario One Day, Repealed the Next

Ecigarette News: Legal Updates on Vaping

E-cigarettes are Exploding in the News!

U.S. Bans E-cigarettes from Checked Baggage

Bill 45: Making Healthier Choices Act 2015

Media Misleading People About E Cigarette Research

Teens & Underage Vaping

Comparing Ecigarette Use by Teens to Other Temptations

CDC – please tell the truth!

Underage Vaping: Ecigs Don’t Make Teens Smoke

Underage Vaping: Why Vaping Is Not Necessarily a Gateway to Smoking

Ecigarette Research

7 Side Effects Associated with Vaping Ecigs

Stop Smoking, Get a Free E-Cigarette

Vaping Is More than Just a Cigarette Replacement

Is Vaping Healthier than Smoking Tobacco?

UK Study Endorses E-Cig Vaping

Switching from Tobacco to Ejuice Could Reduce Hot Flashes

Is Eliquid Less Addictive than Tobacco?

Studies Support Vaping as an Alternative to Smoking

Vaping & Marijuana

Benefits of Vaping Medical Marijuana

Study Shows Vaping Weed May Be a New Teen Trend

New Vaping Developments & Info

Introducing i-Fuse, the Hybrid e-Cigarette

Top 5 Vaping Trends to Watch Out for Heading into 2016

10 Vaping Myths Exposed – Part 1

10 Vaping Myths Exposed – Part Deux

Suzanne’s Transition from Smoking to Vaping

What is BVC (Bottom Vertical Coil) Technology?

Vaping Etiquette: Where & When Is It Socially Acceptable?

How to Clean Your Ecigarette

Understanding Electronic Cigarettes: What’s a Throat Hit?

Fun Vaping Posts

Choose an Ejuice Flavour Based on the Food You Love

You Can Vape on the Trip, But Not on the Ship

14 Famous Celebrity Ecig Vapers

So Many E-juice Flavours, So Little Time!

Learn the Language of Vaping

Ecig Facts: 8 Things You Didn’t Know About Vaping

Thank you for all your support in 2015 and stay tuned for lots of timely vaping news, research and hot new products ! Now tell us … which posts did you like best in our 2015 collection?


The post The Ecigarette Industry – Vaping News 2015 in Review appeared first on Vapor Jedi Eliquid and Vape Accessories.

quit smokingIs this the year you’ll finally quit smoking – for good? What would it take for you to truly commit to ditching the tobacco habit? Are you one of the vast majority who’ve tried to quit before and have failed? If you need inspiration to quit, consider the following benefits of not smoking.

Less anxiety. It’s a common misconception that taking a long drag on your cigarette will calm your nerves. Actually, it does the opposite. The nicotine tickles your brain’s pleasure receptors, inducing more rapid breathing and higher blood pressure. Hint: it’s the deep breathing that offers that calming effect.

Better oral hygiene. Not only will quitting decrease the risk of gum disease and oral cancer, your breath will be sweeter. According to HealthDay, smokers are at least one and a half times more likely to develop at least three oral health afflictions.

Better sex. Yes – nicotine definitely affects both your libido and your performance. And that’s for both men and women. Now that’s what I call a good reason to quit smoking!

Smoother skin. We’ve all seen those older women with the myriad of vertical lines around their lips. That’s from years of sucking on cigarettes. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery says just six weeks after you quit smoking your skin will begin to look fresher and healthier.

More hair.  Research shows a link between male pattern baldness and cigarette smoking. Then there’s the problem of the smoke stink trapped in females’ gorgeous tresses. ‘Nuff said.

Longer life. Quitting tobacco could help women live at least ten years longer than if they continued to smoke, according to The Lancet. Even ‘light’ female smokers have double the death risk compared with non-smokers.

Improved chances of conception.  NBC News reports that women smokers have a 60 percent higher chance of being infertile.

Delicious food. Smoking dulls your taste buds, and in fact, one study suggests you’ll have ‘fewer and flatter’ taste buds. Stop smoking and within a couple of weeks your food will taste scrumptious!

Less sickness. Cold symptoms are usually worse for smokers, according to Yale University researchers. Smokers’ immune systems just don’t respond as well as non-smokers’ when exposed to flu-like viruses. Colds and flu last longer for smokers, while non-smokers fight off those bugs faster.

Have you heard enough reasons to kick the habit once and for all? Thousands of ex-smokers were able to easily transition to vaping. So … order yourself a starter kit today. It’s the best investment you’ll ever make, and I ought to know, because that’s exactly how I did it over 2 ½ years ago!

Happy New Year!


The post New Year, New You: Ready to Quit Smoking? appeared first on Vapor Jedi Eliquid and Vape Accessories.

If you’ve always loved the scent and taste of lemons in your food and drinks, then you’re probably happiest when you’re vaping nicotine juice with a citrus flavor. However, you didn’t have to spend hours searching the internet and the local vape shops for those drool-worthy finds.

Check out the following lemon-themed e-juices and see which flavors have been making you swoon like an infatuated schoolgirl.


Lemon Pound Cake by GLAS

This exciting e-juice is marked by a creamy and balanced flavor with notes of fresh citrus and vanilla on the inhale and followed by hints of warm cake and lemon zest on the exhale. It’s available in a 30ml bottle with a 3mg nicotine strength.


Devil’s Cake by SLSTCE

Enjoy the decadent taste of pound cake with a soft fluffy center made of crisp lemon in a standard bottle of this flavorful e-juice from SLSTCE. The creamy goodness of the batter screams pure joy from inhale to exhale in this devilishly delicious dessert vape. Each bottle has 3 mg of nicotine strength.


Vapor Jedi’s Lemon Pie

This e-juice celebrates the flavor of a tasty lemon meringue pie. The sweet creamy notes of the meringue blended perfectly with the sharp tangy taste of lemon and the crunchy pie crust. There isn’t too much citrus in it to sour the experience for you, and it has “just enough of everything to leave your mouth watering and have you hungry for another piece” as the product label says.


Lemon Cake FV by Green Stars

This is one of the citrus-inspired e-juice flavors that you’ll enjoy puffing on any day of the week. You’ll be enervated with the hint of lime zest in this tasty lemon cake flavored e-liquid. Choose any of three nicotine strengths: 0mg, 3mg and 6mg.


Raspberry Fizz FV by Green Stars

This fruity e-juice is another gift from the citrus god. It may be inspired by the juicy flavor of raspberries, but there’s a zing to it courtesy of lemons and some spearmint for a refreshing after-taste. Enjoy this amazing e-liquid in any of three nicotine strengths: 0mg, 3mg and 6mg.

If your kind of citrus wasn’t lemon, then you’d also enjoy the flavored e-liquids from Vapor Jedi that had extracts of oranges or limes added to them. Browse our gallery of flavored e-liquids through our online store.

Photo Credit:Mum’s lemon meringue pie, two slices” by jules – originally posted to Flickr as mum’s lemon meringue pie. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Vaping in 2016It’s here … 2016 is upon us! It’s the time of the year when most people are thinking about their New Year’s plans and starting to think about their New Year’s resolutions – the things they are going to do next year to improve their life, achieve more, and be a better person. Resolutions are also something with which you can have fun and apply to any area of your life – including vaping in 2016!

We have put together a number of great New Year’s resolutions for our fellow vapers to consider:

  1. Try a new flavour

Most people are creatures of habit. We find something we like, and we stick with it. But how much fun is that? As a vaper, you have access to hundreds of different ejuice flavours. So, try a new flavour or 10 in the new year. It’s a great way to change your vaping experience.

Read more: Choose an Ejuice Flavour Based on the Food You Love

  1. Get involved in the cause

There has been a lot in the news about ecigarettes lately. Provincial governments across the country are enacting new laws that are essentially classifying ecigarettes as other tobacco products, and as a result, they are placing limits on where you can buy and vape. There is strength in numbers, and becoming an active member of the vaping community and making your voice heard can make a difference. Consider getting involved by contacting your MPP and joining local ecigarette advocacy groups.

Read more: Vapor Advocates of Ontario at Toronto’s Ecigarette Protest Rally

  1. Educate others

People tend to have a lot of questions about ecigarettes – how they work, what they taste like, health effects, etc. They have these questions because there is considerable misinformation online about vaping. Rather than getting defensive when people ask you about it, take it as an opportunity to have an open conversation and educate others about the reality of ecigarettes.

Read more: CDC – please tell the truth!

Happy New Year from the VaporJedi Team!

Read more about ecig news and developments:

Top 5 Vaping Trends to Watch Out for Heading into 2016

E-cigarettes are Exploding in the News!

Bill 45: Making Healthier Choices Act 2015


The post Vaping in 2016: 3 New Year’s Resolution for Ecig Users appeared first on Vapor Jedi Eliquid and Vape Accessories.